Project Graduation has a national history…but it’s a beloved Moorestown tradition

Project Graduation is a nationwide initiative that began in the Oxford Hills area of Maine in 1980, in response to seven alcohol and drug-related teen deaths that occurred during graduation celebration.

Moorestown adopted Project Graduation in 1991 as an annual community-sponsored celebration for our high school graduates. This event is a safe, all-night, alcohol and drug-free alternative to teenage parties. It continues to be an inclusive event that not only protects our MHS graduates during this one particular evening, but also serves as an example to our kids that celebrations do not need to include drugs or alcohol to be fun! MHS graduates will leave directly from the high school immediately following their graduation ceremony and are bused to “secret” locations where they are entertained with activities, food, and prizes to keep them busy all night long. They return to MHS around 5:00am the following morning – tired but safe!

The financial and volunteer support of the community to make this event successful is greatly needed and truly appreciated. To order a congratulatory lawn sign to celebrate this year’s graduating class, click the link below.

Lawn Signs

It Takes a Village

Keeping all of our kids safe, fed, entertained and giving them an amazing experience takes a lot of volunteers, time, energy and money. We need your help! Watch this brief video to get an idea of what’s involved in Moorestown Project Graduation!